Emergency Roof Repair Allen TX

Emergency Roof Repair Allen TX

A major roof issue needs to be acted on immediately. The longer a repair is delayed, the more damage that will result. Making a call to roofing contractor is one thing, but you need to ensure the contractor and his crew arrive in a timely manner. Rely on Summit Roof for emergency roof repair Allen TX.

What’s considered an emergency?

You’ll probably know when it happens, but occurrences like a tree collapsing on your roof or a major leak within your roof are considered emergencies. Basically, any situation in which the inside of your home is being affected. Also, when the damage only worsens by the minute or hour. Best &Amp; #1 Emergency Roof Repair Allen - Summit Roof Service Inc. 

If a roofing emergency comes about, call Summit Roof. We’ll have someone by the phone ready to take your call. Just describe the situation to us so we know what we’re working with. From there, our staff organization and equipment organization will enable us to get to your home very quickly.

How complicated is the fix?

There’s a good chance the damages will require more than a quick fix. Something as major as a flood may call for more help than just our’s and the conditions could affect the overall progress.

For instance, if your roof suffers a leak during a major hail storm, we may not be able to repair the roof back to 100% in one session. What we would likely do is perform a temporary solution in which the damage will not worsen. Then, when the storm passes and the dust settles (the next day hopefully), we’ll return to complete a more permanent solution.

Help with your insurance claim

If the damage was caused by a perilous occurrence (damage from a major storm), your homeowner’s insurance is likely to cover it. As part of the insurance claims process, your insurance company will need an estimate of damages. We will provide that!

Summit Roof can speak directly with your insurance, discussing the details of the damage and the pricing from the estimate. Of course we’ll send them a copy for review.

Ultimately, we’ll take a headache away from you by dealing directly with your insurance company. You will remain informed by both sides, but it’s often easiest to let the professionals handle the damages. You’ll probably have enough on your mind given the harm to your home.

Keep in mind, roofing construction is our expertise. We will have every solution to fixing your roof; however, we won’t be able to fix internal damage to your home. If a roof leak leads to a flood, you’ll likely need the assistance of a home remodeling company to handle any damages to your floor or furniture.

Think ahead

A lot of times the extent of the damage will be more extreme because the roof was already weak. Threats like hail and wind will do more harm.

That’s why it’s so important to keep your roof well-conditioned at all times. In other words, make sure it can handle a string of heavy storms. Make sure it can handle constant hail impacts.

You do so by having your roof inspected on an annual basis! This is especially wise if your roof has been in tact for more than 10 or 15 years. Certain materials like metal or slate can last 30, maybe even 50 years before beginning to wear. More common materials like asphalt and wood, however, can wear at the 10-15-year mark.

If your roof meets the inspection parameters, give us a call. We’ll execute a thorough inspection, covering every inch of your roof, along with the flashing, siding and drainage. If repairs or tweaks are needed, we’ll write an estimate and take care of them with your approval. Once our work is done, you’ll be rest assured your roof is ready to take on whatever mother nature throws at it.  

An annual inspection is your way to avoid emergency roof repair Allen TX.

Summit Roof Service Inc.

Summit Roof is here to help prevent damage and repair damage. We also specialize in roof replacement, radiant barrier installation and historic restoration. All matters of helping and improving roofs, we have covered!

Keep us in mind for emergency roof repair Allen TX. We promise an immediate response and effective service.

To learn more, please visit https://summitroof.com. Also, navigate to our blog if you’re looking for additional roofing tips pertaining to care, repair, replacement, etc.

The first step to emergency roof repair is calling (972) 715-1655!

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Summit Roof Service Inc., Roofing Contractors, Allen, Tx

About Us

Over 30  years of expert roofing experience using quality roofing supplies. Located in Allen, Texas serving the surrounding area including:

Allen, TX

Plano, TX

Fairview, TX

Frisco, TX

Grapevine, TX


  • 5 year transferable on installation of complete roof
  • 30-50 year manufacturer warranty depending on product